Oddly-Shaped Rocks of the Mount Huangshan

Oddly-Shaped Rocks of the Mount Huangshan

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Huangshan mountain is located in Huangshan city in the south of Anhui province. It has 72 peaks. The main peak, lianhua peak, is 1864 meters above sea level. Huangshan is the symbol of Anhui tourism, is China’s top ten scenic spots only mountain scenery.Huangshan has a geological history of 800 million years, including fenglin landform and glacier relics, as well as rich and typical geological landscapes such as granite-shaped rocks, granite grottoes and quantanxi waterfalls. The joints of the foremountain rock mass are sparse and weathered in many spheres.

Oddly-Shaped Rocks are one of the four wonders of huangshan.

Huangshan is a natural rock exhibition hall. These rocks have unique shapes and charms. The huge stone towers look like stone needles and towers. Smaller stones also captured the imagination. Some look like animals, some look like various gods, and some have names from historical stories or fairy tales.

Flying-Over Rockis a tall standing stone, 12 meters (40 feet) high, 4 meters (13 feet) wide, slightly tilted on a flat rock platform, about 15 meters (50 feet) long and 10 meters (33 feet) wide. The contact area is very small, which makes it even more striking. It looks like a stone that has just fallen from the sky, hence its name.

Immortal Pointing the Way Is a sharp rock near the ancient yungu trail. It looked like a man in a cape raising his hand in a didactic manner. It has a useful story to tell.

Monkey Watching the Sea is a monkey-shaped boulder (seen from the right) that sits on a flat-topped mountain overlooking the clouds of the north sea.

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