Mt. Yuelu, a Highly Reputable Scenic Area in Hunan Province

Mt. Yuelu, a Highly Reputable Scenic Area in Hunan Province

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Yuelu, the foot of hengshan, is located on the west bank of the xiangjiang river, west of changsha city. Its east gate is about 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from orange island. It is a famous scenic spot in hunan province. Once you visit yuelu mountain, you can know changsha city better.

Yuelu mountain is famous for its picturesque scenery. Tall trees provide dense shade through the heavily planted foliage surrounding the mountains and provide an instant feel of freshness and vitality in the environment. Rhododendrons in spring, calm and cool in summer, showy maple leaves in autumn, and snow-covered trees in winter make this a pleasant place all year round.

Besides the natural scenery, yuelu mountain also has rich cultural landscape. With our China tour packages, Many scholars, thinkers and dignitaries have come here and left their footprints. The coexistence of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism is the mountain’s most distinctive culture. Representative buildings include yuelu academy, lushan temple, stupa, yunlu palace and aiwan pavilion. Besides, yuelu mountain is also an excellent base for patriotism education. Here are buried many revolutionaries and patriots committed to the democratic revolution of the old times and great men with lofty ideals such as huang xing, CAI e and jiang yiwu. The monuments, tombs and cemeteries built for the martyrs are solemn and magnificent on the mountains.

Yuelu mountain, with lushan as its core, consists of two independent scenic spots, namely tangerou, tianma, taohua ling and shijiazhuang ling, as well as the old site of the new civic society and the ruins of tuchengtou. The most famous scenic spots on the mountain are yuelu academy, lushan temple and aiwan pavilion.

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