Datong Soil Forest, the Only Soil Forest Attraction in North China

Datong Soil Forest, the Only Soil Forest Attraction in North China

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Tulin, located in Duzhuang Township, Datong County, consists of hundreds of soil pillars and walls tens to more than ten meters high. It is called Shibangou by local people. Under different illuminations, they show wonderful changes: sometimes they shine with gold, sometimes they are red like fire, sometimes they are abyss, sometimes they are white like frost fields. Like Yuanmou in Yunnan and Alizada in Tibet, precious geological relics and magical workmanship show the desolate and solemn beauty of the Loess Plateau.The “soil forest” refers to the landscape consisting of protrusive loess and grit sediment due to crustal movement as well as wind and water erosion.

When visitors enter this place, it is difficult to understand that they are still on the Mars and still in the magic field. This is the Datong Soil Forest. The locals are called “Stone Trench” and it is the only known soil forest attraction in North China. Looking at it, the strangeness of the forest is dazzling, like an old castle rather than an old castle, like a sculpture and not a sculpture. Under different sunlight, the forest has different styles, or glittering, or red like a flame, and it is magnificent, which is favored by many photographers. Different from the stone forest, the earth forest changes with time and under the shape of wind and rain. However, the charm of the whole earth forest still does not affect its aesthetic sense. The local people call the earth forest “Shibangou”.

Nature’s ingenuity has created a strange and fascinating landscape of the soil forest. When visitors enter this place, it is difficult to understand that they are still on the Mars and still in the magic field. This is the Datong Soil Forest. The locals are called “Stone Trench” and it is the only known soil forest attraction in North China. Looking at it, the strangeness of the forest is dazzling, like an old castle rather than an old castle, like a sculpture and not a sculpture. Under different sunlight, the forest has different styles, or glittering, or red like a flame, and it is magnificent, which is favored by many photographers.

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