Mount Heng – South Yue, said to be the place where nine Taoists became immortal

Mount Heng – South Yue, said to be the place where nine Taoists became immortal

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Of the “five great mountains,” Hengshan’s climate is the best. The mountain is covered by bamboo and various trees, grass and flowers all year round. The mountain’s natural beauty helps it stand out from many other Chinese mountains and hills. Hengshan’s Zhurongfeng peak is a good place to watch the sun rise. Fangguang Temple is a Buddhist site, and a fine place to find some solitude. Shuiliandong waterfall is a very popular scenic spot, said to be the place where nine Taoists became immortal.

Situated in middle Hunan Province, Mount Hengshan is a National Nature Reserve and holy land of Chinese Taoism and Buddhism with more than 200 temples. It is said two of the Sarira of Shakyamuni Buddha are reserved in the stupa of Nantai Temple on Mount Hengshan.

Hengshan covers an area of 640 square kilometers, with 72 peaks, 38 kilometers long and 17 kilometers wide. The Zhurong Peak  is the highest peak among all peaks and the main one where Zhurong Temple stands. The Huiyang Peak  – the head of 72 peaks in south-north direction initiated the history of making pilgrimage in Southern Mountain. And the Yuelu Mountain  – fishtail peak is famous for the Yuelu Academy and Ancient Lushan Temple of over 1700 years’ history.

An essence Mount Hengshan tour within two days is the most popular route to deeply experience its beauty and Taoist culture. Tourist can visit Nanyue Temple, watch closelyChina’s Longevity Vessel , Water Curtain Cave , Dashan Temple  and Zhusheng Temple  before arrival to tourist center.

For later journey, you can pass through the Buddhist Chanting Ancient Path to Shengli Lane, and keep way up to Xuandu Temple , where you can take charged but convenient cableway to South Heaven Gate or continue your mountaineering. Next, turn left to the Magu Fairyland, Lingchi Pond, Mojing Terrace, Fuyan Temple  and Nantai Temple . Nexy you walk the most fantastic trail from Tianzhu Peak, Cangjing Temple to Zhurong Peak  and look down breathtaking views nearby. After satisfy your hiking appetite, tour bus near the summit will take you to tourist center down the hill within half an hour.

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