Epidemic Situation Report in Guilin & Guangxi

By China Expedition Tours, Source from Guangxi Health Commission

Released time: Feb 2, 2020

During the period from 0:00 to 24:00 on February 1, 11 new confirmed cases of pneumonia were found in Guangxi, including 2 in Hezhou, 4 in Guigang, 2 in Guilin, 1 in Qinzhou and 2 in Yulin.

At present, 111 confirmed cases and 2 discharged cases have been reported. There are 6 severe cases, 2 critical cases, no death cases, no medical staff infection cases.

In total, 16 cases were confirmed in Nanning, 12 in Liuzhou, 23 in Guilin, 5 in Wuzhou, 23 in Beihai, 8 in Fangchenggang, 2 in Qinzhou, 4 in Guigang ,7 in Yulin, 2 in Baise, 6 in Hechi and 3 in Hezhou. Wuzhou and Fangchenggang each recovered a patient discharged from hospital

At present, 4223 close contacts have been traced and 3119 cases are still under medical observation.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), symptoms of the pneumonia are mainly fever, with a number of patients having difficulty breathing, and chest radiographs showing invasive lesions of both lungs.

Experts remind that during the period of the epidemic, people should reduce or stop the gathering as much as possible, because the gathering of relatives and friends provides favorable conditions for the epidemic of the disease in the process of preparation and eating. In the process of preparation and gathering, people are close contacts with each other. The droplets produced by coughing and sneezing can be directly transmitted to the whole gathering population, which is very easy to cause disease Disease transmission. Wash your hands frequently, using running water and soap or hand sanitizer. When you have to go out, seek medical treatment or take public transportation, you should wear a mask correctly.

Du Fu, Du Shaoling, Zimei, One of the Greatest Poets in China

Du Fu was a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, honored as “Poet Sage”.

Although Du Fu is best known for his poetry, his pursuits were not purely literary. In fact, one of Du Fu’s dearest hopes was to help China as a civil servant. However, this dream was never realized. In fact, he lived during a time of great unrest of China. Du Fu’s life was marked by the An Lushan Rebellion, which lasted from 755 to 763. The An Lushan Rebellion is also known as the Tianbao Rebellion and the An Shi Rebellion.

He gained little distinction in the official examinations, but remained a minor civil servant who was then uprooted by the An Lu-shan rebellion that destroyed the first Tang dynasty.

He was usually poor, and occasionally close to starvation. The major turning points in his life were his meeting and friendship with Li Po (701-62), and the civil war, which opened his eyes to the sufferings of the common people.

Two major themes in Du Fu’s poetry are morality and history. For this reason, the works are not only of literary interest; philosophers and historians alike have found useful information and ideas in his works. Du Fu wrote poems on military tactics and the goings-on within the government. He even wrote poems to the emperor which included words of advice. One of his most famous works on moral engagement is also one of his earliest works. Titled “The Song of the Wagons,” this poetic work is about a soldier struggling with the suffering that he had to endure in order to fulfill his duties.

The whole life of Du Fu witnessed the Tang Dynasty from prosperity to decline. During this time, Du Fu led a largely itinerant life unsettled by wars, and received a pure and profound understanding of social phenomena. Du Fu’s compassion, for the state and for the age, was part of his most direct feelings in his poems. The over 1,450 poems, that are still circulated now, with remarkable accomplishments in thoughts and arts, have far reaching effects on the development of Chinese literature, and his poems have been dubbed the “Poet-History”. He is identified as the man of “Complete Symphony” who served as a link between the past and now, the greatest poet of “realism”.

Because of both the volume and influence of his writing, Du Fu has been hailed among Western readers as the Eastern Virgil, Ovid, or Shakespeare. Since his death, approximately fifteen hundred of his poems have survived and been handed down through the generations. Furthermore, not only have his poems been enjoyed in translation by Western readers, but they have also been enjoyed by other Asian nations, particularly Japan.

The Epidemic Situation of Chinese Pneumonia in Guangxi

During the period from 0:00 to 24:00 on January 31, 13 new confirmed cases of pneumonia were found in Guangxi, including 1 in Liuzhou, 1 in Wuzhou, 6 in Beihai, 3 in Guilin, 1 in Fangchenggang and 1 in Yulin.

At present, 100 confirmed cases and 2 discharged cases have been reported. There are 7 severe cases, 3 critical cases, no death cases, no medical staff infection cases.

In total, 16 cases were confirmed in Nanning, 12 in Liuzhou, 21 in Guilin, 5 in Wuzhou, 23 in Beihai, 8 in Fangchenggang, 1 in Qinzhou, 5 in Yulin, 2 in Baise, 6 in Hechi and 1 in Hezhou. Wuzhou and Fangchenggang each recovered a patient discharged from hospital

At present, 3487 close contacts have been traced and 2700 cases are still under medical observation.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), symptoms of the pneumonia are mainly fever, with a number of patients having difficulty breathing, and chest radiographs showing invasive lesions of both lungs.

Experts remind that during the period of the epidemic, the masses should reduce or stop the gathering as much as possible, because the gathering of relatives and friends provides favorable conditions for the epidemic of the disease in the process of preparation and eating. In the process of preparation and gathering, people are close contacts with each other. The droplets produced by coughing and sneezing can be directly transmitted to the whole gathering population, which is very easy to cause disease Disease transmission. Wash your hands frequently, using running water and soap or hand sanitizer. When you have to go out, seek medical treatment or take public transportation, you should wear a mask correctly.



Li Bai, Li Bo, Taibai, Qinglian Jushi, One of the Greatest Poets in China

Libai was a Chinese poet. He was part of the group of Chinese scholars called the “Eight Immortals of the Wine Cup” in a poem by fellow poet Du Fu. Li Bai is often regarded, along with Du Fu, as one of the two greatest poets in China’s literary history. Approximately 1,100 of his poems remain today.

Li Bai is best known for the extravagant imagination and striking Taoist imagery in his poetry, as well as for his great love for liquor. Like Du Fu, he spent much of his life travelling, although in his case it was because his wealth allowed him to, rather than because his poverty forced him. He is said, famously but untruly, to have drowned in the Yangtze River, having fallen from his boat while drunkenly trying to embrace the reflection of the moon.

Over a thousand poems are attributed to him, but the authenticity of many of these is uncertain. He is best known for his yuefu poems and “Jinti Shi” poems, which are intense and often fantastic. He is often associated with Taoism: there is a strong element of this in his works, both in the sentiments they express and in their spontaneous tone.

Li Bai was a romantic in his view of life and in his verse. One of the most famous wine drinkers in China’s long tradition of imbibers, Li Bai frequently celebrated the joy of drinking. He also wrote of friendship, solitude, the passage of time, and the joys of nature with brilliance and great freshness of imagination. Li Bai superficially was famous for his poem, but the deeper thing behind his poem was his character of pursuing freedom and harmony with nature as well as his identity of Taoist. Li Bai liked alcohol and swords martial arts. So traditionally, rather than his splendid poem, the most classic impression of Li Bai left to his fans and poem lovers was that his free and drunk visit to mountains, waters and unexplored regions of ancient China with a sword.

At the early time, Li Bai was ambitious and wanted to have a career in social contribution. Li Bai was quite talented but he was reluctant to attend the imperial examination. On the contrary, he hoped someone could recommend him to be an official, so he created a classically famous prose named Yu Han Jin Zhou Shu, or a letter to Mr, Han, whose name was Han Chaozong, the governor of Jingzhou Region, roughly administrated today’s Hubei and part of Hunan provinces. He wanted to recommend himself via this letter; however, he was not responded at all. In 742, he was recommended to Emperor Xuanzong by a famous Taoist, who was also Li Bai’s friend and a welcomed figure of Emperor Xuanzong. From then on, Li Bai stepped into the official circle. This was commonly considered to be a good thing, but due to his unique characters and habit, this was also the beginning of his official life.

Yabuli International Ski Resort, the Biggest Ski Resort in China

Yaburi international ski resort is the largest and best ski resort in China, located 200 kilometers (124 miles) east of Harbin and 120 kilometers (75 miles) west of mudanjiang in shangzhi city, heilongjiang province. In the qing dynasty (1644-1911), it was a hunting ground for feudal lords.

Yabuli international ski resort is a good place for alpine skiing. Local skiers like high altitudes, and the snow is neither too hard nor too powdery. The lowest temperature is -47.2 degrees Fahrenheit. Due to the high altitude, snow will continue to fall for about 170 days. November to late march is the best time to ski at yabuli.

Yabuli consists of two distinct areas: the competition area and the recreational ski area. The alpine skiing section is 1,374 meters above sea level. 4508 feet). Built to international standards, it provides a good environment for professional skiers. In the recreational skiing area, the highest elevation is only about 1000 meters. The area provides a relatively safe environment for recreational skiing. There is also a german-built slide that allows visitors to slide down from the top of a snowy mountain. Skiing on the slide is easy and safe, providing a thrilling experience.

Yabuli international ski resort is the largest alpine skiing training center in yabuli and the host of many professional skiing competitions. In 1996, the third winter Asian games was held here, along with many national winter games and other national and provincial competitions.

In addition to skiing, visitors can also take advantage of other recreational facilities at yabuli international ski resort, such as mini golf course, tennis court, grass court, hot air balloon, glider and so on. Combine activities, beautiful forests and comfortable facilities to provide visitors with a relaxing and fun holiday. Ski resorts are ideal for skiers in winter; In summer, visitors can escape the heat and enjoy interesting outdoor activities. The resort is pleasant all year round.

St. Sophia Cathedral, the Largest Eastern Orthodox Church in China

St. Sophia Cathedral in Harbin is the largest orthodox church in the far east. It stands 53.3 meters (175 feet) tall and covers 721 square meters (0.18 acres). In November 1996, it was listed as a state key cultural relic protection unit. Six months later, the city government restored it and renamed it Harbin art museum. It is a respected landmark for the harpin people and the tourism industry.

St. Sophia Cathedral has a complicated history. Shortly after the boxer rebellion (1899-1901), the russians built the timber church in March 1907. Then, four years later, the russians rebuilt it with masonry and wood. On September 23, 1923, Russia began its second reconstruction and laid the foundation stone. On November 25, 1932, the masterpiece, which took nine years to complete, was hailed as an immortal work of art.

The Byzantine church is so beautiful that it is said to look like the hands of god. In fact, St. Sophia Cathedral means “the wisdom of god.” The church has the footprint of a Latin cross, which has retained its original shape during reconstruction. St. Sophia Cathedral has four floors, with a door on each side.

Until the 1960s, the Byzantine St. Sophia Cathedral had seven bells of various sizes and colors hanging from the bell tower at the entrance. During religious festivals, well-trained bell ringers would play musical marches and ring the bells with ropes tied to their hands and feet. The bell rang through the sky.

By the 1990s, St. Sophia Cathedral had experienced considerable decline. The St. Sophia Cathedral is no longer in use and is surrounded by residential apartments and office buildings. The magnificent Russian frescoes that adorn the vaulted walls of St. Sophia Cathedral have been destroyed beyond recognition. In 1997, local governments began to address decades of deterioration. But as the original Russian murals disappeared completely, they were replaced by new murals depicting the architectural history of the Harbin community. Crosses that had been removed in six places were replaced. Now, murals, chandeliers, domes and clock towers have been restored to their original glory.

Ruins of St. Paul’s & Monte Fort in Macau

The Ruins of St. Paul’s stands adjacent to the famous Mount Fortress and Macau Museum. The front façade and the grand stone stairs are the only remains of the greatest church.

St Paul’s was first built in 1580, then burned down in 1595 and 1601. However, reconstruction began shortly after the church was burned down in 1602. Built in 1637, it became the largest Catholic church in east Asia. Unfortunately, a violent typhoon hit macau in 1835 and the church caught fire for the third time, making its glory a thing of the past. According to historical records, st. Paul’s church was built of white stone with a large arched roof. It has three ornate halls.

St Paul’s cathedral is made of granite, and its baroque facade is richly decorated, but it has a classical Oriental character. From the bottom up, the structure has five floors. The first layer consists of 10 ion columns and 3 entrances. The middle entrance is engraved with the virgin Mary. The two entrances on either side are decorated with bas-reliefs with the motif “his”. On the second floor are ten Corinthian columns with three Windows. A Catholic saint is enshrined in a tent between four pillars. These two layers as a whole are said to represent the social and missionary activities of Jesus.

The remaining three layers are the most decorated. The Madonna stands in the middle of the third tier, and Jesus stands in the middle of the fourth tier. The walls are covered with reliefs of various motifs, such as demons, angels, symbols of suffering, Portuguese sailboats, etc. The triangular combination of the three upper layers reflects the holy trinity (father, son and holy spirit) and the virgin Mary. A cross stands at the top of the wall.

It is worth mentioning that the stone lions on both sides of the third and fourth floors of the ruins of st. Paul’s cathedral have distinct Chinese characteristics. There are also reliefs with chrysanthemums and cherries, and Chinese inscriptions. The existing facade has long been considered a perfect blend of eastern and western cultures.

The ruins of st Paul’s cathedral were restored between 1990 and 1995. The sacred art museum and basement were also built at that time. There is an exhibition of religious art, including paintings, sculptures and statues.

Norbulingka, the Treasure Park in Tibet

Norbulingka, which means “treasure park” in Tibetan, is located on the western outskirts of Lhasa on the Banks of the jiuqu river, about 1 km (0.6 miles) southwest of the potala palace. The garden covers 360,000 square meters (about 430,000 square yards) and has 374 rooms. It is the largest man-made garden in Tibet autonomous region.

Construction began in the 1740s. It was once a wild land full of wild animals, overgrown with weeds, and overgrown with weeds. It was the favorite and frequent haunt of the seventh dalai lama, for which the qing government built a palace. A few years later, the port was built on the orders of the seventh dalai lama. Later, it was used as the old Summer Palace for successive lamas, where they solved political problems and held festivals. After a series of extensions and renovations, the exterior has been improved with pavilions, gardens and woods. Now it has become a park open to the public.

Norbulingka consists of several palace complexes, such as Potrang of gesang, Potrang of zoki, jinlinka and Takten Migyur Potrang. Each palace complex is divided into three sections — the palace section, the front section of the palace and the front section of the forest.

The potala palace, named after the seventh dalai lama, is a three-story palace with a hall, bedroom, reading room and sanctuary dedicated to the Buddha. In norbulingka, he was considered the most attractive when the eighth dalai lama came to power. The hall built during the han and Tibetan dynasties is where the dalai lama enjoyed Tibetan opera. In 1922, a wealthy donor built the golden Linka and Chensel Potrang for the 13th dalai lama. At the same time, many flowers, grass and trees were planted. In 1954, the 14th dalai lama built the potala palace, also known as the new Summer Palace, which means “eternal palace” in Tibetan. The building combines the characteristics of the temple and the villa, which is more spectacular than other palaces. The exquisite murals in the palace are worth mentioning and visiting. The frescoes in the north hall show the gentle, calm sakyamuni and his eight contemplative disciples. However, the murals in the south temple vividly tell the story of Tibet’s development in the form of comic strips.

Ice Lantern Garden Party, the Earliest and Biggest Artistic Exhibition of the Ice Lantern

The Harbin ice lantern garden fair is the world’s oldest and largest open-air ice lantern art exhibition, with an exhibition area of 6.5 hectares (about 16 acres) and an ice volume of about 2,000 cubic meters (about 71,000 cubic feet). It is listed by the national tourism administration as one of the country’s 35 “great beauty spots”. The festival began in 1963 and has been held every winter since then at zhaolin park, where some 1,500 traditional ice lanterns are displayed. It is considered the beautiful name card of Harbin.

The ice lantern garden is an outstanding achievement of the local people in exploiting and utilizing the local ice and snow resources. Craftsmen in that city used the ice of the songhua river to create various forms of ice sculptures. All the works of art present a grand verve and charm.

Inspired by ancient Chinese ice lanterns, artisans at the ice lantern fair have created works of art that transcend nature. Legend has it that once upon a time, when winter nights came, a few people would leisurely dress up or fish on the songnen plain, which is located in the northeastern provinces including Harbin. They used old ice lanterns for lighting. At that time, the technique was simple. The water from the songhua river was put into a wooden bucket and frozen into icicles. Then a hole was made in the center of the icicle and an oil lamp was put in. Hence the ice lanterns. It helped a lot of people live at that time. Later, when the Chinese New Year and Lantern Festival came, people liked to decorate these ice lanterns to celebrate the festivals.

Now, it has evolved into a local traditional festival. The Harbin ice and snow festival is held every year on January 5. Throughout the festival and the ice lantern garden party, visitors can participate in international sports such as: sitting on an ice boat, hitting a top on the frozen river, attending weddings on ice, skating on ice and watching winter swimming competitions. When night falls, you will attend the Harbin ice and snow festival party. You can see wonderful performances there, and you can also take part in them. That would be great!

Today, ice lanterns are a source of local pride. The art of making ice lanterns has matured. This is a unique ice and snow art exhibition integrating horticulture, architecture, sculpture, drama, Chinese painting, Chinese literature, Chinese music and other disciplines. At the same time, using modern optical, mechanical, acoustic and other science and technology, to show us the colorful, beautifully carved ice lanterns. Ice art works include ice architecture, ice sculptures, ice waterfalls, ice flower beds, ice slides, ice Chinese calligraphy, ice scenes, ice advertisements and, of course, ice lanterns. Various works of art are randomly scattered around the ice lantern garden party, creating a perfect world of ice and snow.

Dragon Tower, Harbin Longta, Heilongjiang Radio and Television Tower

The dragon tower, the second tallest steel tower in the world and the tallest in Asia, features tourism, catering, entertainment, advertising and wireless communications in addition to radio and television signals. Since its opening in 2000, it has become one of the top ten scenic spots in Harbin and one of the most worthwhile tourist attractions in heilongjiang province.

The long tower is composed of the tower body, the middle part of the tower body, the upper part of the tower body and the antenna on the top of the tower. From the first floor to the fourth floor, it has a spherical top. The section of the tower body is octahedral and the longitudinal part is parabolic. Elevators at 2.5 meters per second can reach all floors of the tower. The tower is 181 meters (594 feet) tall and 206 meters (676 feet) tall, with a steel ball and a flying saucer-shaped structure on top. The antennas are arranged between 220.5 m (723 ft) and 336 m (1102 ft). Dragon tower design is unique, tourism resources are very rich.

The 181-meter (594-foot) observation deck boasts the world’s longest clear glass skywalk, with a perimeter of more than 60 meters, giving visitors a great view of the area beneath the tower. The carrying capacity of this glass is 1000 kg per square metre. Covering 1,256 square meters (1,502 square yards) and seating 350 people at a time, the 186-meter (610-foot) high revolving restaurant in the sky is the world’s tallest restaurant in the sky. While enjoying the buffet, you can see the charming night view of the city from all angles.

The 190 meter (623 ft) outdoor viewing platform allows visitors to overlook the cityscape. Adventurous visitors can also try the game of the brave, where challengers wear seat belts and walk on the edge of the circular platform outside the guardrail. The butterfly gallery also displays more than 2000 famous and precious butterfly specimens at home and abroad. The 206-meter (676-foot) high blessing pavilion is the tallest, with more than 100 characters in calligraphy. Visitors can enjoy the magnificent cityscape while drinking tea in the teahouse.

The exhibition hall of dwellings in northeast China shows the structure of houses and the appliances of the past, such as kangs (beds), window paper and kerosene lamps, allowing visitors to experience the local customs. Hanging out on China’s tallest swing outside the dragon tower, 210 meters (689 feet) high, is an exciting adventure.
