Autumn Memory of Guilin– Sweet-Scented Osmanthus

Autumn Memory of Guilin– Sweet-Scented Osmanthus

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After an autumn rain, all the big and small osmanthus trees in Guilin are risking their little flower buds, which are closely open. Walking in Guilin, you can see the trace of osmanthus everywhere in the scenic area, park, path, courtyard, riverside and lakeside. The fragrance of the street, accompanied by dew, is so romantic and poetic that people can’t help to stop and linger.

Osmanthus fragrans originated in the southwest, central and southern provinces of China. Up to now, there are still wild in the mountains of Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places. It has been cultivated for 2500 years. It is said that the two osmanthus in front of the tomb of Wuhou in Mian County, Shaanxi Province are 1700 years old. Guilin, Guangxi, is also a famous place for planting osmanthus in China. It is said that Guilin gets its name because it has many osmanthus.

The botanical plant garden has always been one of the best places for people to appreciate the osmanthus in Guilin. There are more than 20000 osmanthus plants in the garden. In particular, the osmanthus garden has collected all the excellent osmanthus varieties in Guilin, and introduced more than 10 excellent varieties in Sichuan, Zhejiang and other places. There are more than 80 osmanthus varieties in total. While participating in the activity, citizens and tourists can also walk around the garden, smell the fragrance of osmanthus, and enjoy the garden world of Guilin in autumn.

Osmanthus is not only suitable for greening scenic and decorating courtyards, but also has high economic value. Osmanthus fragrans is the raw material of the food industry. It is used to extract essence, make cakes and sweets, which is a good product for family reunion and entertaining relatives and friends.

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