Xuyuan Garden, Famous for its Unique Southern China Gardening Style

Xuyuan Garden was built in the Ming Dynasty. It was named after the prince Zhu gaoxu who lived here. Xuyuan Garden later became the residence of the governors of Zhejiang and Jiangsu. Xuyuan, also known as Xiyuan, is located on the west side of the palace of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851-1864). The kingdom was founded by a peasant leader, Hong Xiuquan, who declared himself king. Xuyuan Garden later became the presidential palace of Sun Yat Sen (1912-1949), the interim president of the Republic of China. Visitors will find that Xuyuan Garden is the epitome of modern Chinese.

While Xuyuan Garden in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province covers an area only a little more than four acres (1.6 hectares), it occupies an important place in Chinese history. Despite its relatively small size, it is also renowned for its unique southern China gardening style. It is located in the Presidential Palace, at No. 292 on Changjiang Road.

Xuyuan Garden’s scenery is definitely worth viewing especially because of its historical significance. It is one of the two most famous gardens in Nanjing City, the other being Zhanyuan Garden. With water covering about half an acre of its total area, Xuyuan Garden is small, but exquisite. Its architecture is rather ingenious, exhibiting the unique beauty and charm of southern gardening. One of the most popular spots here is Buji Zhou, a handcrafted stone boat. Other attractions include Tongyin Guan; Xijia Lou; Wangfei Pavilion and Yuanyang Pavilion.

Buji Zhou was built in 1746 by Yin Jishan, governor of Zhejiang Province and Jiangsu Province. The stone boat has become a symbol of Xu Yuan. It’s made of marble, 14.5 meters long (about 47 feet), 4.6 meters wide (about 15 feet), and 2.7 meters high (about 9 feet). Its roof is covered with yellow glazed tiles. Its brick railings are carved with many fine colored paintings on both sides of the boat. The ship is divided into fore and aft compartments. There is a stone walkway leading to the ship. The ship was named and inscribed by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) during his tour in southern China. Buji state has two meanings: one is about its lakeside; the other is about the belief that the country can enjoy permanent stability only with the support of the masses. Xu Yuan’s breeze blowing, the lake ripples, giving people a feeling of boat floating on the waves.

Linggu Temple, the Best Buddhist Temple in the World

One of Nanjing’s famous scenic spots, Linggu Temple, which claims to be ‘the best Buddhist temple in the world’, is situated to the east of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum in the Purple Mountain Scenic Area. Over time, its name has changed several times.

The environment here is very pleasant. The Linggu Temple is surrounded by aged dark green trees. The sweet fragrance of flowers pervades, and the sound of the bell is melodious. The forest and springs around add vitality and wild pleasure to the temple. Linggu Temple is famous in Chinese history. It is said that in the Ming Dynasty, Linggu Temple flourished. Crowds filled the place to burn joss sticks. It is said that it could hold 1,000 monks at that time.

Linggu Temple contains the Xuanzang Memorial Hall, which was built in memory of a famous monk in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The picture of the route that Xuanzang walked and the sutra he translated are also stored here. There are also several other sights such as Non-beam Hall, Linggu Pagoda and Songfeng Pavilion.

The name of Non-beam Hall has interesting origins. Originally the temple was named Wuliang Hall as a memorial ceremony, for a Buddha named ‘Wu Liang’ was held there. Because it is constructed without any wood, it can also be called ‘Non-beam Hall’. However, ‘non-beam’ is also pronounced ‘Wu Liang’ in Chinese.

The vegetarian diet here is renowned for over 600 years. The ingredients of the dishes are chosen very carefully; the cooking is very meticulous; the appearance of the food is also very nice. Though the dishes are without meat, the taste is even better than the ones with meat. Shensong House, the famous vegetarian restaurant in Linggu Temple, lies to the east of Songlin Pavilion. Surrounded Shensong House, is a thick forest and blooming flowers. To the east of Shensong House, a spring runs under a bridge, and to the west, the sound of the bell emanates from the ancient temple. Dining here can bring you both the wonderful taste of the food and an enjoyment of natural beauty.

Poyang Lake, the Largest Fresh-water Lake in China

Located in the Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, Poyang Lake is the largest fresh-water lake in China. Poyang Lake is a resplendent pearl on the vast Chinese territory. For thousands of years, it has been nurturing the people in Jiangxi Province and attracting visitors with her charm.

On days when the sun shines and the sky is a clear blue, the sky and the water seem to meet on the horizon. Sailboats on the lake dart back and forth, appearing to joust with the billowing clouds. Rafts float along one after another like a big moving dragon. In addition, many kinds of rare birds are attracted here, making it a popular destination for birdwatchers.

Dagu Hill is an island in Poyang Lake , which when seen from a distance, looks like a large shoe floating in the blue water. It is also known as Shoe Hill.

Actually Dagu Hill is only one peak with precipices on its three sides. Covered with tall, straight trees, the island rises steeply from the water, surrounded by water on all sides. Visitors who hike to the top of the hill are rewarded with a magnificent view of the vast Poyang Lake below. Along the way, you will see Heaven Flower Palace, with its majestic halls and splendid statues. In ancient times, the hill was a gathering place for scholars and businessmen. The buildings in which they met have been destroyed by wars and natural disasters, but you can still feel a strong sense of history on Dagu Hill.

Another well known hill in the lake is Nanshan Hill, near Duchang County, which rises from the water like a dignified man standing in the waves. According to the legend, during the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-24) a wise man lived on Nanshan Hill. Emperor Wudi met the man during a tour of inspection in the southern region of his territory and offered him an official government position. However the wise man turned down the offer, saying that he was just a farmer and was not interested in fame or rank. Named for the humble wise man, ‘farmer rock’ is the main attraction of Nanshan Hill. There visitors enjoy the sight of clear, sweet spring water flowing from the rock all year round. Those who climb to the top of the hill enjoy a panoramic view of the lake and distant hills.

Lake-View Pavilion was originally constructed in the later years of the Eastern Han Dynasty (317-420) and the early part of the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280). The present exquisite pavilion was rebuilt by the local government in 1988. It has four floors and stands on a platform made of granite. The view from Lake-View Pavilion takes in the rivers, the lake, the fishing boats, and the birds that contribute to the beauty of Poyang Lake.

This area is a sanctuary for many rare species of birds. Measuring 224 square kilometers (about 86 square miles) in area, it offers a mild climate and a habitat rich in aquatic plants and fish with no industrial pollution. In winter, Poyang Lake is home to the world’s largest population of birds.

Every November, thousands of birds fly in from Siberia, Mongolia, Japan, North Korea, and the northeastern and northwestern regions of China. These migratory birds spend the long winter in Poyang Lake together with the native widgeons, egrets, and mandarin ducks, leaving gradually as the weather starts to warm in March. Poyang Lake is considered by many to be the largest bird sanctuary in the world. Every winter it plays host to 95% of the world’s white cranes, a fact that gives it two of its popular names: ‘World of White Cranes’ and ‘Kingdom of Rare Birds’.

Chongshan Temple, Luring Accomplished Monks, Scholars and Tourists.

Chongshan Temple was initially built in the early period of the Tang Dynasty. Its original name is Baima Temple, and then changed into Yanshou Temple. In accordance to the plaque of the causes of the establishment of the temple, Chongshan Temple was built by Jin Emperor, the third son of Emperor Zhuyuanzhang (1328-1398), first emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), for memorizing his mother.

The existing architecture in Chongshan Temple is a group of architecture those main body is Dabei Temple. The area of the existing Chongshan Temple is 80% of its original one. However, the structure of it is precise, dignified and majestic. The existing main architectures of Chongshan Temple are mountain door, bell tower, the eastern and western wing-room and Dabei Temple. Dabei Temple sits on the broad basis, forming a sense of grandeur and solemnity. The hall is equipped with heavy eaves, currently; it is the most well-preserved wooden architecture of the early Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) in China. The ancient drum pavilions and bell pavilions are standing along both sides of Dabei Temple. In the east of the mountain door, there is a big bell on the bell tower which was built in the 1st year of Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty (1505). With a weight of 9,999.5 jin, the pattern of the big bell is classic. The bell toll can be heard across the whole city.


Besides, this temple also keeps numerous precious cultural relics, such as sculptures, paintings and sutras and others. The three sculptures in the hall of Dabei Temple are Kwan-yin, Wenshu Bodhisattva and PuXian Bodhisattva. The sculpture of Kwan-yin in the middle is the most precise one. It is 8.5 meters in height and gold. She wraps a green piece of cloth around her shoulder, looking calm and mellow. Her face is round, pretty and vivid.  The existing Chongshansi Temple includes the temple gate, Bell Tower, the East and West Building and Dabei Hall. Inside the Dabei Hall, Avalokitesvara with 11 faces, the Bodhisattvas Manjusri and Samantabhadra are enshrined and worshiped, all accurately proportioned and well clothed, with a total height of 8.5 meter. The Halls and statues are relics of Ming Dynasty; there are also Tibetan Scriptures of Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasty in the temple, most of which have exact date.

Chongshan temple has become a key cultural relic under the protection of Shanxi Province and home to the Buddhist Association of Shanxi Province. The precious sutra and Taoist scriptures are not only examples of Chinese woodblock printing history, but of ancient Chinese calligraphy and carving arts luring accomplished monks, scholars and tourists.

Xishuangbanna, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous

Xishuangbanna is a beautiful place in the southern part of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed “Aerial Garden” for its wonderful landscapes. Tropical rain forests in Xishuangbanna provides a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals. The region has 5000 kinds of plants or about one-sixth of the total in China.

As the only tropical rain forest nature reserve in China, the area has surprising biological diversity in the virgin forest, particularly because it is so far away from central China and considered isolated. In religion, it is greatly influenced by Hinayana Buddhism of Southeast Asia. The enticing white masonry structure, Manfeilong Buddhist Pagoda, is the quintessence of Hinayana Buddhist architecture. The main pagoda is comprised of eight small pagodas, like a cluster of bamboo shoots.

For its well-developed agriculture, Xishuangbanna has many special foods, which is not only delicious but also full of ethnic characteristics. Citizens in Xishuangbanna mainly use rice to cook food, such as rice cakes, rice noddles and rice wine. The bamboo rice is a typical dish in the place. It uses incense bamboo to make the rice more soft and fragrant. Steamed purple rice with pineapple is a staple food for Dai people, which is also tasteful.

When people think of the Dai people, they usually think of water. The water-splashing festival is an unforgettable experience for many tourists. The water-splashing festival lasts from three to five days in mid-April. During the festival, every door is decorated with colorful paper-cuts. All the villagers were dressed in their best. The dai people water others all day long. They sprinkle people lightly to show their sincere wishes for good luck, and then soak the skin of others to ensure that the days ahead will be filled with as much prosperity and happiness as possible. Nowadays, splashing water has become a symbol of good luck.

Yabuli International Ski Resort, the Biggest Ski Resort in China

Yaburi international ski resort is the largest and best ski resort in China, located 200 kilometers (124 miles) east of Harbin and 120 kilometers (75 miles) west of mudanjiang in shangzhi city, heilongjiang province. In the qing dynasty (1644-1911), it was a hunting ground for feudal lords.

Yabuli international ski resort is a good place for alpine skiing. Local skiers like high altitudes, and the snow is neither too hard nor too powdery. The lowest temperature is -47.2 degrees Fahrenheit. Due to the high altitude, snow will continue to fall for about 170 days. November to late march is the best time to ski at yabuli.

Yabuli consists of two distinct areas: the competition area and the recreational ski area. The alpine skiing section is 1,374 meters above sea level. 4508 feet). Built to international standards, it provides a good environment for professional skiers. In the recreational skiing area, the highest elevation is only about 1000 meters. The area provides a relatively safe environment for recreational skiing. There is also a german-built slide that allows visitors to slide down from the top of a snowy mountain. Skiing on the slide is easy and safe, providing a thrilling experience.

Yabuli international ski resort is the largest alpine skiing training center in yabuli and the host of many professional skiing competitions. In 1996, the third winter Asian games was held here, along with many national winter games and other national and provincial competitions.

In addition to skiing, visitors can also take advantage of other recreational facilities at yabuli international ski resort, such as mini golf course, tennis court, grass court, hot air balloon, glider and so on. Combine activities, beautiful forests and comfortable facilities to provide visitors with a relaxing and fun holiday. Ski resorts are ideal for skiers in winter; In summer, visitors can escape the heat and enjoy interesting outdoor activities. The resort is pleasant all year round.

St. Sophia Cathedral, the Largest Eastern Orthodox Church in China

St. Sophia Cathedral in Harbin is the largest orthodox church in the far east. It stands 53.3 meters (175 feet) tall and covers 721 square meters (0.18 acres). In November 1996, it was listed as a state key cultural relic protection unit. Six months later, the city government restored it and renamed it Harbin art museum. It is a respected landmark for the harpin people and the tourism industry.

St. Sophia Cathedral has a complicated history. Shortly after the boxer rebellion (1899-1901), the russians built the timber church in March 1907. Then, four years later, the russians rebuilt it with masonry and wood. On September 23, 1923, Russia began its second reconstruction and laid the foundation stone. On November 25, 1932, the masterpiece, which took nine years to complete, was hailed as an immortal work of art.

The Byzantine church is so beautiful that it is said to look like the hands of god. In fact, St. Sophia Cathedral means “the wisdom of god.” The church has the footprint of a Latin cross, which has retained its original shape during reconstruction. St. Sophia Cathedral has four floors, with a door on each side.

Until the 1960s, the Byzantine St. Sophia Cathedral had seven bells of various sizes and colors hanging from the bell tower at the entrance. During religious festivals, well-trained bell ringers would play musical marches and ring the bells with ropes tied to their hands and feet. The bell rang through the sky.

By the 1990s, St. Sophia Cathedral had experienced considerable decline. The St. Sophia Cathedral is no longer in use and is surrounded by residential apartments and office buildings. The magnificent Russian frescoes that adorn the vaulted walls of St. Sophia Cathedral have been destroyed beyond recognition. In 1997, local governments began to address decades of deterioration. But as the original Russian murals disappeared completely, they were replaced by new murals depicting the architectural history of the Harbin community. Crosses that had been removed in six places were replaced. Now, murals, chandeliers, domes and clock towers have been restored to their original glory.

Ruins of St. Paul’s & Monte Fort in Macau

The Ruins of St. Paul’s stands adjacent to the famous Mount Fortress and Macau Museum. The front façade and the grand stone stairs are the only remains of the greatest church.

St Paul’s was first built in 1580, then burned down in 1595 and 1601. However, reconstruction began shortly after the church was burned down in 1602. Built in 1637, it became the largest Catholic church in east Asia. Unfortunately, a violent typhoon hit macau in 1835 and the church caught fire for the third time, making its glory a thing of the past. According to historical records, st. Paul’s church was built of white stone with a large arched roof. It has three ornate halls.

St Paul’s cathedral is made of granite, and its baroque facade is richly decorated, but it has a classical Oriental character. From the bottom up, the structure has five floors. The first layer consists of 10 ion columns and 3 entrances. The middle entrance is engraved with the virgin Mary. The two entrances on either side are decorated with bas-reliefs with the motif “his”. On the second floor are ten Corinthian columns with three Windows. A Catholic saint is enshrined in a tent between four pillars. These two layers as a whole are said to represent the social and missionary activities of Jesus.

The remaining three layers are the most decorated. The Madonna stands in the middle of the third tier, and Jesus stands in the middle of the fourth tier. The walls are covered with reliefs of various motifs, such as demons, angels, symbols of suffering, Portuguese sailboats, etc. The triangular combination of the three upper layers reflects the holy trinity (father, son and holy spirit) and the virgin Mary. A cross stands at the top of the wall.

It is worth mentioning that the stone lions on both sides of the third and fourth floors of the ruins of st. Paul’s cathedral have distinct Chinese characteristics. There are also reliefs with chrysanthemums and cherries, and Chinese inscriptions. The existing facade has long been considered a perfect blend of eastern and western cultures.

The ruins of st Paul’s cathedral were restored between 1990 and 1995. The sacred art museum and basement were also built at that time. There is an exhibition of religious art, including paintings, sculptures and statues.

Norbulingka, the Treasure Park in Tibet

Norbulingka, which means “treasure park” in Tibetan, is located on the western outskirts of Lhasa on the Banks of the jiuqu river, about 1 km (0.6 miles) southwest of the potala palace. The garden covers 360,000 square meters (about 430,000 square yards) and has 374 rooms. It is the largest man-made garden in Tibet autonomous region.

Construction began in the 1740s. It was once a wild land full of wild animals, overgrown with weeds, and overgrown with weeds. It was the favorite and frequent haunt of the seventh dalai lama, for which the qing government built a palace. A few years later, the port was built on the orders of the seventh dalai lama. Later, it was used as the old Summer Palace for successive lamas, where they solved political problems and held festivals. After a series of extensions and renovations, the exterior has been improved with pavilions, gardens and woods. Now it has become a park open to the public.

Norbulingka consists of several palace complexes, such as Potrang of gesang, Potrang of zoki, jinlinka and Takten Migyur Potrang. Each palace complex is divided into three sections — the palace section, the front section of the palace and the front section of the forest.

The potala palace, named after the seventh dalai lama, is a three-story palace with a hall, bedroom, reading room and sanctuary dedicated to the Buddha. In norbulingka, he was considered the most attractive when the eighth dalai lama came to power. The hall built during the han and Tibetan dynasties is where the dalai lama enjoyed Tibetan opera. In 1922, a wealthy donor built the golden Linka and Chensel Potrang for the 13th dalai lama. At the same time, many flowers, grass and trees were planted. In 1954, the 14th dalai lama built the potala palace, also known as the new Summer Palace, which means “eternal palace” in Tibetan. The building combines the characteristics of the temple and the villa, which is more spectacular than other palaces. The exquisite murals in the palace are worth mentioning and visiting. The frescoes in the north hall show the gentle, calm sakyamuni and his eight contemplative disciples. However, the murals in the south temple vividly tell the story of Tibet’s development in the form of comic strips.
