Chunxi Road – Shopping Paradise in Chengdu

Chunxi Road – Shopping Paradise in Chengdu

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Chunxi road is a fashionable label in Chengdu. Known as “the third largest commercial street in China”, it has high indexes in tourism, catering, transportation, rest area, popularity and commerce, among which causeway bay in Hong Kong and Nanjing road in Shanghai are the top two. Spring creek road was built in 1924, named after an allusion in the Tao Teching to describe its prosperity. Up to now, it has a history of nearly one hundred years. With the bustling crowd, you can not only buy the good and cheap goods in various stores, but also enjoy the delicious food at home and abroad while enjoying the tourists. Chunxi road station metro line 2 opened, Chunxi road welcomed another batch of tourists and shoppers. Since it is the most prosperous part of the city, it is a pity if you go to Chengdu but do not visit Chunxi road.

Chunxi road is full of shops selling fashion clothes, shoes, accessories and so on. Now there are still some hundred years old shops providing high quality products, such as Hengderi watch shop, Jinyi eyeglasses shop and so on. In addition, with the gradual development of Chengdu’s economy, Chunxi road has opened several top-brand shopping centers with advanced services, where you can buy imported goods and advanced fashion clothes. Walking along the broad street paved with granite, you can see people queuing to taste delicious food at different restaurants of respected brands. Chunxi road has many western fast food restaurants and cafes, there are many teahouses, such as KFC, Starbucks, Haagen-dazs and so on.

Along Chunxi road, you can see different scenery, but full of Chengdu’s local culture. Many fashionable young ladies shop in different stores; Buyers and shopkeepers haggle, friends enjoy snacks and laugh; Old people are resting on benches in Sun Yat-sen square (Sun Yat-sen square) and other adjacent streets are artfully decorated with pools and landscapes. You can have a cup of tea or coffee here and see the interesting places where life is.

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