Daming Palace-the Good Choice for Tourism

Daming Palace-the Good Choice for Tourism

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If you wanna go to Xi’an to experience the charm of ancient Chinese Tang Dynasty, you must not miss Daming Palace National Heritage Park. Daming Palace, the political center and national symbol of the Tang Dynasty, was the most magnificent palace at that time.

Today, it is still the solid choice for countless tourists.The Daming Palace covers an area of 3.5 square kilometers, which is equivalent to three Versailles Palace. It fully shows the magnificent features of the palace buildings in the Tang Dynasty. Daming Palace is an outstanding representative of Oriental garden architecture, an important place for the harmony of the Chinese nation, and is known as the Oriental Temple of the “Silk Road”.Through the history of one thousand and one hundred years, Daming Palace National Heritage Park is characterized by the protection and display of the culture of the Tang Dynasty.


It fully excavates the cultural connotation of Daming Palace, releases the cultural factors of the Tang Dynasty, and reappears the charm of the beautiful scenery of the Tang Dynasty.Now the Daming Palace is gorgeous, with yellow leaves falling quietly and serenely. Daming Palace National Heritage Park, which is accompanied by simple nature and fashionable sentiment, let you feel the mood of early winter when walking in the relics of the Tang Dynasty, each scene has a unique charm.

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