Epidemic Situation Report in Guilin & Guangxi

Epidemic Situation Report in Guilin & Guangxi

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By China Expedition Tours, Source from Guangxi Health Commission

Released time: Feb 7, 2020

During the period from 0:00 to 24:00 on February 6, 4 new confirmed cases of pneumonia were found in Guangxi, including 1 in Nanning, 1 in Guilin, 1 in Baise and 1 in Laibin.

At present, 172 confirmed cases and 17 discharged cases have been reported. There are 9 severe cases, 6 critical cases, no death cases, no medical staff infection cases.

In total, 31 cases were confirmed in Nanning, 20 in Liuzhou, 28 in Guilin, 5 in Wuzhou, 31 in Beihai, 15 in Fangchenggang, 7 in Qinzhou, 7 in Guigang , 8 in Yulin, 3 in Baise, 4 in Hezhou, 11 in Hechi and 2 in laibin.

At present, 8008 close contacts have been traced and 4099 cases are still under medical observation.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), symptoms of the pneumonia are mainly fever, with a number of patients having difficulty breathing, and chest radiographs showing invasive lesions of both lungs.

Experts remind that during the period of the epidemic, people should reduce or stop the gathering as much as possible, because the gathering of relatives and friends provides favorable conditions for the epidemic of the disease in the process of preparation and eating. In the process of preparation and gathering, people are close contacts with each other. The droplets produced by coughing and sneezing can be directly transmitted to the whole gathering population, which is very easy to cause disease Disease transmission. Wash your hands frequently, using running water and soap or hand sanitizer. When you have to go out, seek medical treatment or take public transportation, you should wear a mask correctly.

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