Gegentala Grassland, A Place to Ride the Horse

Gegentala Grassland, A Place to Ride the Horse

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The gegentala grassland is located in ulanqab, Inner Mongolia, 140 km (87 miles) north of Hohhot. Gegentala means “grassland” in Mongolian. When visitors visit the area, they are treated with the most pomp and ceremony, such as hadad, a silk gift as a greeting, and fine horsemilk wine. From a distance on the relatively high slopes of the vast gegentala steppe, a circular stone structure known as aobo is visible, where local mongolians hold sacrificial rites and pray for good luck.

Many tourists want to go to the Gegentala grasslands in the summer, especially in July and August, because all the grasslands are the best. In addition, compared with other tourist destinations, the climate here is cool every summer. The naadam fair is always held from August 15 to 25.

Be sure to arrange a horseback riding experience during your stay. There is a large stud farm for visitors. All the horses were carefully chosen, and most were good-natured. To be on the safe side, visitors can also try horseback riding with the help of a professional trainer.

To entertain and welcome visitors, the gegentala grassland scenic area has arranged horse racing, circus, wrestling and song and dance performances. The exciting performance aroused everyone’s enthusiasm. In addition, tourists can also take part in these recreational activities. When night falls, the bonfire party is a bright spot. Meanwhile, some locals sing and dance around the fire.

Spending the night in a yurt must be an unforgettable experience. There is a fixed area on the grassland with many traditional yurts for tourists to stay in. It’s a good chance to experience the local lifestyle, but it’s a bit pricey. Yurts are not just used as living rooms; Visitors can also hold parties or have meals inside.

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Cassidy Tse

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