How to Use a Squat Toilet in China

How to Use a Squat Toilet in China

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The use of squat toilets in China may not be among the “top 10” choices for holidaymakers, but it often becomes part of their Chinese experience. Public toilets are becoming more sanitary in China, but some are still shocking.

China is one of the world’s most popular holiday destinations, and for good reason. Although China is a developing country, tourism and toilets are well developed in attractions like the Forbidden City, and star-rated hotels are usually of high standards. However, when many people come to China for the first time, they are surprised to find squat toilets.

Squat toilets are uncommon in most western countries, but in China, people are likely to walk into a toilet and find it flat . These toilets will take some getting used to.

Squat toilets are not difficult to use. Most of a person’s problems come from not knowing how to use the toilet. Not knowing how to use them can mean long lines in front of western toilets, so a little preparation is best.

Once a person knows how to use a squat toilet, it’s not that difficult. Unfortunately, for many holidaymakers in China, this will be their first time using a mobile phone. The first thing to remember is that even men use these toilets in a forward-facing position (so as not to splash on the drain).

It is now necessary to place your feet on either side of the squat toilet. These toilets have grooves on either side to help people keep their feet still while using them. One’s foot should be pointed toward the middle of these grooves and kept flat.

After all the above preparations are completed, a person can make their pants halfway up the thigh and squat in the toilet. It’s important not to let the clothes touch the ground; This is true even if the place looks clean and spotless.

Once you’ve finished your business, you might notice a sign asking you not to flush toilet paper, and the bin next to you is full of used paper towels. Today, most toilets can actually be flushed with just the right amount of toilet paper, and these notices are mainly to prevent all kinds of garbage from being thrown into the toilet (as is done in rural toilets). So, it’s up to you whether to use the trash can or flush the toilet paper.

Be careful when you stand up, as the average westerner is not used to squatting for a short period of time. So if you haven’t practiced, your legs will have problems with blood flow and balance.

When you flush the toilet, clean the toilet rack to avoid any splash on the toilet.

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