Huangdi, The Father of Chinese Civilization

Huangdi, The Father of Chinese Civilization

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Huangdi: the leader of the ancient Huaxia tribal alliance, the co-owner of the Chinese nation in ancient times. The first of the five emperors. It is respected as the “first ancestor of humanity” of China. It is said that he is little code with the treasure of the son, this surname Gongsun, after change ji surname, it is called Ji Xuanyuan. Ju Xuanyuan of the hill, Xuanyuan, built in the bear, also known as the bear. Also known as “Di Hongshi”.

History of the yellow emperor because of the earth of virtue, so the name Huang di. Huang di’s great achievement of unifying the Huaxia tribe and the conquest of the eastern yi and the jiuli tribes has been recorded in the annals of history. During the reign of the yellow emperor, he planted trees and plants in baigu and vigorously developed production. He began to make clothes, build boats and cars, make music and compose the internal Canon of the yellow emperor.

It is recorded that in prehistoric times, there were many clans and tribes living along the Yellow River and Yangtze river. While the tribe led by the yan emperor (a close relative of the yellow emperor) began to decline, the yellow emperor’s tribe prospered. During this period, chiyou often led powerful tribes to invade other tribes and invade Yan emperor’s tribe. With the help of the yellow emperor, chi you was defeated. Later, a war broke out between the yellow emperor and the Yan emperor. After the war ended, the yellow emperor became the chief of many tribes.

During the reign of the yellow emperor, great achievements were made in architecture, science and culture. Palaces and ships were designed, and arithmetic and medicine began to appear. He instructed his people to plant corn and invented tools to guide the way of travel. With the help of his wife, people began to raise silkworms and spin silk. In addition, writing and Musical Instruments were invented by his officials. In short, many of the works came from the period of the yellow emperor.

Huang di was buried on a bridge in Huangling county, Shaanxi province, and his tomb, now known as “China’s first mausoleum”, has been visited by countless people both at home and abroad, especially during the Qingming festival. yellow emperor was the first leader with great morality and wisdom in the early development of Chinese civilization, people regard him as the ancestor of the Chinese nation and call themselves the descendants of the yellow emperor.

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