Immersive Travel Brings New Experiences in China

Immersive Travel Brings New Experiences in China

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The 2019 China international travel fair has opened in kunming, yunnan province. In the exhibition areas, visitors can not only taste cultural and creative food and buy cultural and creative products, but also participate in role play and make handicrafts with yunnan characteristics. The rich and diverse cultural tourism experience makes people linger and enjoy themselves.

In recent years, with the deepening of the reform on the supply side of tourism, a number of new forms of tourism with strong sense of participation and strong cultural flavor have emerged. These new formats constantly refresh people’s travel experience and become a new growth point for the development of the tourism market.

The new format of tourism can be described by “sense of participation”, “immersion” and “Internet +”

Here, I not only see the beauty of the water town south of the Yangtze river, but also appreciate the beauty of the culture south of the Yangtze river, very comfortable. Recently, li hui, an employee of a financial enterprise in pudong new area of Shanghai, took his family to fuyang district of hangzhou, zhejiang province, to travel by car and felt the charm of the integrated development of local culture and tourism.

Culture is becoming the focus of many scenic spots across the country. The combination of culture and tourism enables culture to go further and travel more poetically. Cultural landscape, tourism and performing arts, theme parks, characteristic towns, cultural and creative development, cultural festivals… Various new modes of cultural and tourism integration emerge one after another, bringing tourists more cultural tourism feast.

With the upgrade of travel consumption, people now put forward higher requirements for travel experience than traditional tourism. Stay in a homestay to experience local customs, watch a super movie in VR, and take a trip through ancient costume… Immersive tourism with more experience and participation is increasingly sought after by tourists.

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