Jiankou Great Wall

Jiankou Great Wall

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Jiankou Great Wall is located at Badao river, northwest of Huairou district, Beijing. It is 1,141 meters above sea level. The terrain of the mountain is very complex, with steep ridges and cliffs, and magnificent scenery. The Great Wall of Jiankou, literally “arrow arrow”, gets its name from its zigzag shape. It is one of the most famous dangerous sections of the Ming Great Wall (1368-1644). However, in recent years it has attracted many photographers. It has been one of the most popular photography sites of all the great walls. Currently, the Jiankou Great Wall is expected to be restored in 2022. When completed, the Jiankou Great Wall will reach 2,772 meters in length.

The hike from Jiankou to Mutianyu is about 10 kilometers, about five hours for moderate hikers. However, for safety reasons, hiking alone is not recommended, especially if you are inexperienced. Travel with a guide, and your guide will give you a lot of useful advice on the right and safe routes to hike. As you probably know, some of the wild parts of the Great Wall are very dangerous to hike, and if there is an accident, it is very difficult to rescue. To protect the Great Wall, to protect the environment, the Jiankou Great Wall will be temporarily closed. Sometimes, it is unpredictable and lasts for months.

You can enjoy the most amazing view of the Great Wall at Jiankou. The Mutianyu section can be reached by walking on the debris for about 3 hours, and tickets are required twice to enter the Jiankou section and Mutianyu section. If you are tired after reaching the Mutianyu Great Wall, you can choose to take a cable car or take a cable car down the mountain.

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