
Poyang Lake, the Largest Fresh-water Lake in China

Located in the Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, Poyang Lake is the largest fresh-water lake in China. Poyang Lake is a resplendent pearl on the vast Chinese territory. For thousands of years, it has been nurturing the people in Jiangxi Province and attracting visitors with her charm.

On days when the sun shines and the sky is a clear blue, the sky and the water seem to meet on the horizon. Sailboats on the lake dart back and forth, appearing to joust with the billowing clouds. Rafts float along one after another like a big moving dragon. In addition, many kinds of rare birds are attracted here, making it a popular destination for birdwatchers.

Dagu Hill is an island in Poyang Lake , which when seen from a distance, looks like a large shoe floating in the blue water. It is also known as Shoe Hill.

Actually Dagu Hill is only one peak with precipices on its three sides. Covered with tall, straight trees, the island rises steeply from the water, surrounded by water on all sides. Visitors who hike to the top of the hill are rewarded with a magnificent view of the vast Poyang Lake below. Along the way, you will see Heaven Flower Palace, with its majestic halls and splendid statues. In ancient times, the hill was a gathering place for scholars and businessmen. The buildings in which they met have been destroyed by wars and natural disasters, but you can still feel a strong sense of history on Dagu Hill.

Another well known hill in the lake is Nanshan Hill, near Duchang County, which rises from the water like a dignified man standing in the waves. According to the legend, during the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-24) a wise man lived on Nanshan Hill. Emperor Wudi met the man during a tour of inspection in the southern region of his territory and offered him an official government position. However the wise man turned down the offer, saying that he was just a farmer and was not interested in fame or rank. Named for the humble wise man, ‘farmer rock’ is the main attraction of Nanshan Hill. There visitors enjoy the sight of clear, sweet spring water flowing from the rock all year round. Those who climb to the top of the hill enjoy a panoramic view of the lake and distant hills.

Lake-View Pavilion was originally constructed in the later years of the Eastern Han Dynasty (317-420) and the early part of the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280). The present exquisite pavilion was rebuilt by the local government in 1988. It has four floors and stands on a platform made of granite. The view from Lake-View Pavilion takes in the rivers, the lake, the fishing boats, and the birds that contribute to the beauty of Poyang Lake.

This area is a sanctuary for many rare species of birds. Measuring 224 square kilometers (about 86 square miles) in area, it offers a mild climate and a habitat rich in aquatic plants and fish with no industrial pollution. In winter, Poyang Lake is home to the world’s largest population of birds.

Every November, thousands of birds fly in from Siberia, Mongolia, Japan, North Korea, and the northeastern and northwestern regions of China. These migratory birds spend the long winter in Poyang Lake together with the native widgeons, egrets, and mandarin ducks, leaving gradually as the weather starts to warm in March. Poyang Lake is considered by many to be the largest bird sanctuary in the world. Every winter it plays host to 95% of the world’s white cranes, a fact that gives it two of its popular names: ‘World of White Cranes’ and ‘Kingdom of Rare Birds’.

Epidemic Situation Report in Guilin & Guangxi

By China Expedition Tours, Source from Guangxi Health Commission

Released time: Feb 8, 2020

During the period from 0:00 to 24:00 on February 7, 11 new confirmed cases of pneumonia were found in Guangxi, including 1 in Nanning, 1 in Guilin, 1 in Beihai, 1 in Fangchenggang, 4 in Hechi , 1 in Yulin, 1 in Qinzhou and 1 in Laibin.

At present, 183 confirmed cases and 17 discharged cases have been reported. There are 7 severe cases, 8 critical cases, no death cases, no medical staff infection cases.

In total, 32 cases were confirmed in Nanning, 20 in Liuzhou, 29 in Guilin, 5 in Wuzhou, 32 in Beihai, 16 in Fangchenggang, 8 in Qinzhou, 7 in Guigang , 9 in Yulin, 3 in Baise, 4 in Hezhou, 15 in Hechi and 3 in Laibin.

At present, 8877 close contacts have been traced and 4072 cases are still under medical observation.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), symptoms of the pneumonia are mainly fever, with a number of patients having difficulty breathing, and chest radiographs showing invasive lesions of both lungs.

Experts remind that during the period of the epidemic, people should reduce or stop the gathering as much as possible, because the gathering of relatives and friends provides favorable conditions for the epidemic of the disease in the process of preparation and eating. In the process of preparation and gathering, people are close contacts with each other. The droplets produced by coughing and sneezing can be directly transmitted to the whole gathering population, which is very easy to cause disease Disease transmission. Wash your hands frequently, using running water and soap or hand sanitizer. When you have to go out, seek medical treatment or take public transportation, you should wear a mask correctly.

Chongshan Temple, Luring Accomplished Monks, Scholars and Tourists.

Chongshan Temple was initially built in the early period of the Tang Dynasty. Its original name is Baima Temple, and then changed into Yanshou Temple. In accordance to the plaque of the causes of the establishment of the temple, Chongshan Temple was built by Jin Emperor, the third son of Emperor Zhuyuanzhang (1328-1398), first emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), for memorizing his mother.

The existing architecture in Chongshan Temple is a group of architecture those main body is Dabei Temple. The area of the existing Chongshan Temple is 80% of its original one. However, the structure of it is precise, dignified and majestic. The existing main architectures of Chongshan Temple are mountain door, bell tower, the eastern and western wing-room and Dabei Temple. Dabei Temple sits on the broad basis, forming a sense of grandeur and solemnity. The hall is equipped with heavy eaves, currently; it is the most well-preserved wooden architecture of the early Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) in China. The ancient drum pavilions and bell pavilions are standing along both sides of Dabei Temple. In the east of the mountain door, there is a big bell on the bell tower which was built in the 1st year of Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty (1505). With a weight of 9,999.5 jin, the pattern of the big bell is classic. The bell toll can be heard across the whole city.


Besides, this temple also keeps numerous precious cultural relics, such as sculptures, paintings and sutras and others. The three sculptures in the hall of Dabei Temple are Kwan-yin, Wenshu Bodhisattva and PuXian Bodhisattva. The sculpture of Kwan-yin in the middle is the most precise one. It is 8.5 meters in height and gold. She wraps a green piece of cloth around her shoulder, looking calm and mellow. Her face is round, pretty and vivid.  The existing Chongshansi Temple includes the temple gate, Bell Tower, the East and West Building and Dabei Hall. Inside the Dabei Hall, Avalokitesvara with 11 faces, the Bodhisattvas Manjusri and Samantabhadra are enshrined and worshiped, all accurately proportioned and well clothed, with a total height of 8.5 meter. The Halls and statues are relics of Ming Dynasty; there are also Tibetan Scriptures of Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasty in the temple, most of which have exact date.

Chongshan temple has become a key cultural relic under the protection of Shanxi Province and home to the Buddhist Association of Shanxi Province. The precious sutra and Taoist scriptures are not only examples of Chinese woodblock printing history, but of ancient Chinese calligraphy and carving arts luring accomplished monks, scholars and tourists.

Epidemic Situation Report in Guilin & Guangxi

By China Expedition Tours, Source from Guangxi Health Commission

Released time: Feb 7, 2020

During the period from 0:00 to 24:00 on February 6, 4 new confirmed cases of pneumonia were found in Guangxi, including 1 in Nanning, 1 in Guilin, 1 in Baise and 1 in Laibin.

At present, 172 confirmed cases and 17 discharged cases have been reported. There are 9 severe cases, 6 critical cases, no death cases, no medical staff infection cases.

In total, 31 cases were confirmed in Nanning, 20 in Liuzhou, 28 in Guilin, 5 in Wuzhou, 31 in Beihai, 15 in Fangchenggang, 7 in Qinzhou, 7 in Guigang , 8 in Yulin, 3 in Baise, 4 in Hezhou, 11 in Hechi and 2 in laibin.

At present, 8008 close contacts have been traced and 4099 cases are still under medical observation.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), symptoms of the pneumonia are mainly fever, with a number of patients having difficulty breathing, and chest radiographs showing invasive lesions of both lungs.

Experts remind that during the period of the epidemic, people should reduce or stop the gathering as much as possible, because the gathering of relatives and friends provides favorable conditions for the epidemic of the disease in the process of preparation and eating. In the process of preparation and gathering, people are close contacts with each other. The droplets produced by coughing and sneezing can be directly transmitted to the whole gathering population, which is very easy to cause disease Disease transmission. Wash your hands frequently, using running water and soap or hand sanitizer. When you have to go out, seek medical treatment or take public transportation, you should wear a mask correctly.

Hubei, One of the Originating Places of the Chinese People

Hubei is in inland China in the middle stretch of the Yangtze River basin. It is surrounded by Henan Province to the north, Jiangxi and Hunan to the south, Anhui to the east, Sichuan to the west and Shaanxi to the northwest. Today many minority ethnic groups live in this area including: Miao, Tujia, Dong and some others.

The natural attractions in Hubei Province are the best attractions. The province has beautiful vast countryside and natural places, but most tourists hardly ever get out to appreciate the vast rural areas, towns and mountains.

The city of Wuhan is an intriguing mix of history and rapid modernization that isn’t touristy. You can experience everyday life in a laid back way. One of the good things to do while there is get out to the riverside to appreciate the river and its breadth. You can barely see across it. It is so big it produces its own weather such as fog and hanging mists and moderates the weather in the region.

The Shennongjia Mountains on the western border are said to be ‘the heights of Central China.’ The Shennongjia Forest Preserve is famed for natural scenery, rare animals and plants, albino animals, and mysterious ‘wild men’ (Chinese yeti) that are said to be seen there. Shennong Stream flows down form it and is popular for boat trips.

Wudang Mountain is a sacred Taoist mountain with hundreds of temples and palaces. East Lake, located on the eastern side of Wuchang City, is one of the major tourist attractions in Wuhan. It is the biggest lake within a city in China. Yellow Crane Tower, located on Snake Hill in Wuchang City, is one of the three famous towers south of the Yangtze River.

The Three Gorges Dam is world famous.The Three Gorges offers an unmatched painting of water and mountains. The World Famous Yangtze Three Gorges Dam Project is just located in this province, just outside of Yichang City. It is not only the largest water conservation project in China, but also the largest water conservation project in the world.

Hubei style cuisine is noted for being hearty, healthy, and simple but delicious. Fish from the rivers and lakes are the highlight in the restaurants. On the streets, Re Gan Mian or hot dry noodles with spicy peanut sauce is everywhere. It is an unusually delicious simple food/snack to have day or night and warms you up in the cold winters.

Epidemic Situation Report in Guilin & Guangxi


By China Expedition Tours, Source from Guangxi Health Commission

Released time: Feb 6, 2020

During the period from 0:00 to 24:00 on February 5, 18 new confirmed cases of pneumonia were found in Guangxi, including 3 in Qinzhou, 2 in Nanning, 3 in Liuzhou , 1 in Guilin, 2 in Beihai, 2 in Fangchenggang, 2 in Guigang, 2 in Hechi and 1 in Laibin.

At present, 168 confirmed cases and 14 discharged cases have been reported. There are 12 severe cases, 3 critical cases, no death cases, no medical staff infection cases.

In total, 30 cases were confirmed in Nanning, 20 in Liuzhou, 27 in Guilin, 5 in Wuzhou, 31 in Beihai, 15 in Fangchenggang, 7 in Qinzhou, 7 in Guigang , 8 in Yulin, 2 in Baise, 4 in Hezhou, 11 in Hechi and 1 in laibin.

At present, 7067 close contacts have been traced and 3845 cases are still under medical observation.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), symptoms of the pneumonia are mainly fever, with a number of patients having difficulty breathing, and chest radiographs showing invasive lesions of both lungs.

Experts remind that during the period of the epidemic, people should reduce or stop the gathering as much as possible, because the gathering of relatives and friends provides favorable conditions for the epidemic of the disease in the process of preparation and eating. In the process of preparation and gathering, people are close contacts with each other. The droplets produced by coughing and sneezing can be directly transmitted to the whole gathering population, which is very easy to cause disease Disease transmission. Wash your hands frequently, using running water and soap or hand sanitizer. When you have to go out, seek medical treatment or take public transportation, you should wear a mask correctly.

Epidemic Situation Report in Guilin & Guangxi


By China Expedition Tours, Source from Guangxi Health Commission

Released time: Feb 5, 2020

During the period from 0:00 to 24:00 on February 4, 11 new confirmed cases of pneumonia were found in Guangxi, including 1 in Qinzhou, 1 in Nanning, 2 in Liuzhou , 2 in Guilin, 2 in Beihai, 2 in Fangchenggang and 1 in Hechi.

At present, 150 confirmed cases and 10 discharged cases have been reported. There are 10 severe cases, 4 critical cases, no death cases, no medical staff infection cases.

In total, 28 cases were confirmed in Nanning, 17 in Liuzhou, 26 in Guilin, 5 in Wuzhou, 29 in Beihai, 13 in Fangchenggang, 4 in Qinzhou, 5 in Guigang , 8 in Yulin, 2 in Baise, 4 in Hezhou and 9 in Hechi.

At present, 6469 close contacts have been traced and 3972 cases are still under medical observation.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), symptoms of the pneumonia are mainly fever, with a number of patients having difficulty breathing, and chest radiographs showing invasive lesions of both lungs.

Experts remind that during the period of the epidemic, people should reduce or stop the gathering as much as possible, because the gathering of relatives and friends provides favorable conditions for the epidemic of the disease in the process of preparation and eating. In the process of preparation and gathering, people are close contacts with each other. The droplets produced by coughing and sneezing can be directly transmitted to the whole gathering population, which is very easy to cause disease Disease transmission. Wash your hands frequently, using running water and soap or hand sanitizer. When you have to go out, seek medical treatment or take public transportation, you should wear a mask correctly.

Wuhan, One of the “Four Furnaces” in China

Wuhan is now the capital of Hubei Province. It is on the central China plain and on the Yangtze River. In the late 19th century, it was the most prosperous city in the central part of the country. Now it is a cultural and educational center and a transportation hub. It is situated on Jianghan Plain, a river-crossed fertile land created by the Hanjiang River joining the Yangtze River. This is a routine port for a Yangtze River cruise. Divided by the Yangtze, Wuhan is known as the ‘Three Towns of Wuhan’ with Hankou and Hanyang on the west bank, and Wuchang on the east.

Wuhan is the place to find both history and natural wonders. Hubei Provincial Museum and Yellow Crane Tower are two places to appreciate ancient Chinese history and culture. In the museum, chimes excavated from tombs reveal the incredible achievements of ancient people in music, acoustics and metallurgy. The classic poems and inscriptions on the tower, (although unrecognizable to most Westerners) can inspire your spirit as you pretend to be a poet with a bird’s-eye view of the river from the tower window. In addition, the famous Villa of Chairman Mao Zedong on the scenic bank of East Lake, Wuchang, is an ideal place for Westerns to learn more about him.


Hot-dry Noodles is reputed to be one of the five most famous types of noodle in China and the most favorite choice for breakfast by Wuhan people. The chef first cooks the fresh noodles mixed with sesame oil in boiling water. When the noodles have cooked and cooled, it becomes pliable. Then, each time before eating, the noodle will be cooked in the same process again. Finally, dressings including spring onion and sauce will be added. You can try a bowl of Re Gan Mian for one yuan.

Wuhan is called one of the “four furnaces” in China. With rich sunshine and rainfall, Wuhan weather is characterized by a scorching hot and wet summer, when the highest temperature usually reaches 38 C (100 F). Its winter is cold and humid. March to May is the best time for Wuhan travel. Flowers are in full blossom especially cherry blossoms, always attracting amounts of travelers.


You can visit Wuhan University campus or the Donghu Cherry Blossom Park to appreciate cherry blossoms. From the late March to early April, the Donghu Cherry Blossom Festival will be held in Donghu Moshan scenic cherry park. The main activities include spring outing to see cherry blossoms, cherry blossom popular science exhibition and photography exhibition, etc.

Epidemic Situation Report in Guilin & Guangxi

By China Expedition Tours, Source from Guangxi Health Commission

Released time: Feb 4, 2020

During the period from 0:00 to 24:00 on February 3, 12 new confirmed cases of pneumonia were found in Guangxi, including 1 in Qinzhou, 5 in Nanning, 1 in Liuzhou , 1 in Beihai, 2 in Fangchenggang and 2 in Hechi.

At present, 139 confirmed cases and 7 discharged cases have been reported. There are 8 severe cases, 4 critical cases, no death cases, no medical staff infection cases.

In total, 27 cases were confirmed in Nanning, 15 in Liuzhou, 24 in Guilin, 5 in Wuzhou, 27 in Beihai, 11 in Fangchenggang, 3 in Qinzhou, 5 in Guigang ,8 in Yulin, 2 in Baise, 8 in Hechi and 4 in Hezhou. Four cases in Guilin, two in Wuzhou and one in Fangchenggang have been cured and discharged.

At present, 5644 close contacts have been traced and 3626 cases are still under medical observation.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), symptoms of the pneumonia are mainly fever, with a number of patients having difficulty breathing, and chest radiographs showing invasive lesions of both lungs.

Experts remind that during the period of the epidemic, people should reduce or stop the gathering as much as possible, because the gathering of relatives and friends provides favorable conditions for the epidemic of the disease in the process of preparation and eating. In the process of preparation and gathering, people are close contacts with each other. The droplets produced by coughing and sneezing can be directly transmitted to the whole gathering population, which is very easy to cause disease Disease transmission. Wash your hands frequently, using running water and soap or hand sanitizer. When you have to go out, seek medical treatment or take public transportation, you should wear a mask correctly.

Bruce Lee, Li Jun Fan, Famous For His Martial Arts Prowess

Bruce Lee, Chinese name Li Junfan, American-born film actor who was renowned for his martial arts prowess and who helped popularize martial arts movies in the 1970s. Bruce Lee was born on the 27th of November of 1940, under the name of JunFan Lee in Chinatown, San Francisco. When Bruce Lee was born his parents were on a trip and in 1941 returned to their home in Kowloon. Kowloon is a village just outside Hong Kong. When Bruce Lee was 13 years old, he began training for “Wing Chun Kungfu”. Later it appears that he is very talented in this sport and he decides to quit his career as a dancer.

Bruce was a loner and was constantly getting himself into fights, with this in mind he looked towards Kung Fu as a way of disciplining himself. The famous Yip Men taught Bruce his basic skills, but it was not long before he was mastering the master. Yip Men was acknowledged to be one of the greatest authorities on the subject of Wing Chun a branch of the Chinese Martial Arts. Bruce mastered this before progressing to his own style of Jeet Kune Do.

In his career he has made a lot of movies that’s how a lot of people know Bruce Lee. His movies are well-known all over the world. First of Fury, The Way of the Dragon, Game of Death, The Big Boss, and Enter the Dragon are very famous.

With the posthumous release of Enter the Dragon, Lee’s status as a film icon was confirmed. The film, said to have a budget of $1 million, went on to gross more than $200 million. Lee’s legacy helped pave the way for broader depictions of Asian Americans in cinema and created a whole new breed of action hero — a mold filled with varying degrees of success by actors like Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal and Jackie Chan.

Lee’s life has been depicted in the 1993 film Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, based on the 1975 Linda Lee memoir Bruce Lee: The Man Only I Knew, and the 2009 documentary How Bruce Lee Changed the World. And in the summer of 2013, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum opened the exhibition “Bruce Lee: Kung Fu. Art. Life.”

Lee’s legacy as a premier martial artist continues to be revered as well. Daughter Shannon Lee was largely involved in the 2011 update of her father’s instructional guide Tao of Jeet Kune Do.
