Sun Island Scenic Area, the Deer Garden

Sun Island Scenic Area, the Deer Garden

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Located on the north bank of the Songhua river in Harbin, sun island scenic spot is a famous scenic spot at home and abroad. This beautiful area, surrounded by blue water, boasts crystal lakes, wooden rockeries, beautiful flowers and exotic architecture. In summer, comfortable weather is the first choice to avoid the summer heat, in winter, it is a paradise for snow and ice tourism. Every year, the Harbin international snow sculpture art fair is held here, exhibiting fascinating snow and ice sculptures and buildings that attract thousands of visitors.

The sun island scenic area covers 3,800 hectares (9,390 acres) and is made up of sun island and other small islands. There are more than two dozen attractions in the area, which can be divided into three sections. The animal world lies to the north and west. The center of the garden is the beauty of flowers, lakes, and ice. In the south, there are snow and ice series, Russian style series, gallery and memorial garden. The amazing sun gate is made up of five white oval doors, four small doors on either side of the door and a gate in the middle. In front of the gate is a symbol of the scenery — a huge stone called the sun stone.

Deer park, swan lake and squirrel island are located in the north and west of the sun island scenic area, making it a world of animals. The deer park is like a natural painting: some deer run or walk on the hillside, while others drink from streams. Slides, swings, mazes and other facilities bring children into wonderland. At squirrel island, visitors can feed cute squirrels themselves. In the swan lake near the squirrel island, the graceful black swans, whooper swans, tundra swans, mandarin ducks, swan geese and other water birds are raised. Fly day waterfall has artificial cave, is a paradise for animals.

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