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Xinghai Park, Xinghai Bay in Dalian

Xinghai park is located in the southwest of dalian city, adjacent to xingwan, because xingwan named. The park is about 800 meters (less than half a mile) long, with lush trees and flowers on the landward side and golden beaches on the shore.

Xinghai park attracts many visitors because it is a peaceful harbor and offers good bathing facilities from its safe beach, where the water is neither too deep nor affected by moderate waves. In addition to the natural beauty of the park, visitors are also drawn to the architectural charms of the seven music pavilion, wanghai pavilion and yingchao pavilion, which are connected by cobblestone walkways.

At the eastern and western ends of xinghai park, the cliffs rise above the sea, and the cliff tops present a fascinating view of the bay, with the sea and sky merging in the distance on the horizon. Lake cave can be seen on the east cliff. The name of the cave means “explore the ocean” and as you walk down the inside steps, you will find the spray rising at your feet. What an amazing sight!

Another feature of xinghai park is sun Asia ocean world, where you can observe many strange creatures living in the ocean. The aquarium is the first in China to have an underwater tunnel where you can see Marine life up close. In addition, you’ll see the world’s first underwater pyramids, cities and flying saucers in this extraordinary ocean world! It is the only museum in China dedicated to collecting fossils from around the world, each of which is hundreds of millions of years old.
