The Biggest Attraction of Travel Is “Snacks” in China

The Biggest Attraction of Travel Is “Snacks” in China

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According to the survey, 85.87 percent of college students support tourism, 13.53 percent are neutral and 0.61 percent oppose it. “I am very fond of traveling, and I also support college students to travel more. Traveling can not only cultivate their temperament and make people happy, but also help them learn about the places of interest and historical interest around the world and enhance their knowledge.” Yang Yang, a junior student at fuzhou university, said he spends 80 percent of his holidays and holidays traveling each semester. Although traveling can be tiring, he is still passionate about traveling.

So, what is the key factor that restricts college students to travel? According to the survey, 98.02% of college students believe that money is the primary factor affecting tourism, followed by time and safety, with 83.59% and 62.61% respectively. In addition, 29.48 percent of the students chose their families and 15.35 percent chose their own psychological problems. Tickets, tickets, accommodation, etc., all need funds. If the place is far away, also consider the question of time. “Said zhang tong, a student at jinggangshan university. Wang xiao, a student at tianjin university of technology, said it would be difficult to travel if money was not enough.

According to the survey, choosing to travel with a few friends is the preferred way to travel, accounting for 77.66 percent of the survey results. “Family road trip”, “traveling alone” and “group tour” accounted for 9.88%, 7.29% and 5.17% respectively.

Liu ge, from the school of modern arts and sciences at shanxi normal university, said, “when traveling, I prefer to travel with a few friends. Usually two or three people go together, but even is the best.

What kind of scenic spots do college students prefer to visit when they travel? How much will it cost? According to the survey, 40.27 percent would choose scenic spots (natural landscapes), 31 percent would choose scenic towns, 18.69 percent would choose scenic spots (cultural landscapes) and 6.23 percent would choose foreign countries.

Wang Ming, a student from zhengzhou university, said he likes ancient towns with local customs. The local customs and practices of the ancient town are very simple, there are no tall buildings in the city, but give people a sense of “xanadu”.

To the tourist attractions, the main want to experience what content? According to the survey, 84.04 percent of college students chose to “experience local specialties”, while 76.29 percent and 72.04 percent chose famous local attractions and local customs.

Liu changxiao, a student from shandong vocational college of water resources, said he likes local snacks best when he travels. “Sometimes I bring back local snacks for my roommates.”

Wang heng, a counselor at hebei university, believes that travel is both the desire of college students and a special way of leisure. College students should travel more in their spare time, which is of great help to enhance their self-awareness and independence, and can also enhance the friendship between friends. Survey results show that most college students prefer to travel with friends, which not only solves the boredom of the trip, but also makes them closer to each other.

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