Useful Numbers in China

Useful Numbers in China

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Emergency Calls

Call 110 when you meet common criminal or public order cases, emergencies and need help.

Call 119 when there is a fire breaking out. Call 120 when you need emergency care and first aid.

Call 12395 when you need a SOS call for maritime accident. On the sea, once the boat encounter collision, stranding, fire, man overboard, sudden disease outbreaks or other accidents which need help, can call the Maritime Search & Rescue Center.

Call 114 when you need telephone number enquiry information enquiry service. Users can also look up the timetable of the train and coach, information of weather forecast, lunar calendar, special restaurant, etc.

Bank Number

Bank of China (BOC)                                95566

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)    95588

Agricultural Bank of China (ABC)                     95599

China Construction Bank (CCB)                     95533

Bank of Communications (BOCOM)                 95559

Flight & Train

China Railway Service                               12306

Air China                                            95583

Hainan Airlines                                     950718

China Southern Airlines                             4006695539

China Eastern Airlines                               95530


China Mobile                                         10086

China Unicom                                       10010

China Telecom                                      10000

China Tietong                                       10050

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