Xixi National Wetland Park, One of the Three “Xi”

Xixi National Wetland Park, One of the Three “Xi”

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Xixi national wetland park, located less than 5km (3 miles) west of hangzhou, is a rare urban wetland. Rich in ecological resources, honest natural landscape, profound cultural deposits, and the west lake, xiling, known as one of the “three west”. It is the first and only wetland park in China that combines urban life, farming and culture. Xixi national wetland park has not only wide views but also abundant water features. Warm and humid climate, abundant rainfall, four distinct seasons, comfortable climate

The natural and cultural landscape of xixi national wetland park is divided into three causeway and ten scenes: causeway house, causeway road and causeway head.

Causeway bay is 2300 meters (1.4 miles) long and 7 meters (8 yards) wide, running through xixi national wetland park from south to north. There are six Bridges across the river, on which the Chinese character “fu” is written. Causeway road is 1, 600 metres (1 mile) long and 7 metres wide, running from west to east through the core reserve. It is an ecological bank that connects the ecological botanical garden with the major research projects of wetland. At 3,600 meters (2.2 miles) long and 4.5 meters (5 yards) wide, the causeway bow is the longest of the three cities, from south to north. Crisscrossed waterways and ancient trees form an ecological landscape.

The top ten scenic spots are the best scenic spots in xixi national wetland park, autumn igloo and the scenic spots accessible only by boat. Red persimmon in water; Dragon boat culture exhibition; Lotus ecological reserve, main bird-watching area; The charming hong jia villa, the place to live, cultivated a group of celebrities; Boating in a fishing village of moonlight, fog and water, a tourist center to enjoy local cuisine; Plum garden, plum tree township, known for plum blossom; A high villa, Shared with music.

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