Bangchuidao Scenic Area, One of the Best Lidos in Dalian

Bangchuidao Scenic Area, One of the Best Lidos in Dalian

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Nine kilometers (five miles) from downtown Dalian, the bangchui scenic spot is located on the east side of binhai road. It consists of the bontry lido (or beach), bontry island and bontry hotel. This scenic spot is a famous seaside resort, with beautiful scenery of mountains, sea, islands and beaches.

Between Dalian beach and tiger beach is the 500-meter (550-yard) long bantry beach, also known as the bantry lido. It is considered one of the best lido in Dalian due to its clear water and natural landscape. The beach consists of fine sand and pebble areas. Visitors can walk barefoot in the first part and look for interesting pebbles in the second. The Bangchuidao Lido is about 1.5 km (1 mile) from the entrance to the Bangchuidao scenic area, where people can go by electric scooter. One-way ticket is 10 yuan per person. Upon arrival, the three Chinese characters for the scenic spot’s name, written by chairman MAO zedong, will sigh.

About 400 meters (440 yards) from the beach is the island of Bangchuidao, named for its shape. Located in the Bangchuidao scenic area, the island is shaped like a “Bangchui”, a wooden stick used by some Chinese as a washing tool. It is a small island, covering five hectares (12 acres). Located 53 meters (170 feet) above sea level, buntry is 410 meters (450 yards) long and 120 meters (130 yards) wide. The mountain was overgrown with lush pine and cypress trees. The island has steep cliffs, strangely shaped rocks, and beautiful wildflowers and weeds. It is one of the best locations for photographers to shoot “alpenglow”. “Alpenglow” is a red glow that can be seen at the top of a mountain at sunset or sunrise. Visitors can take a boat ride for a closer look at the impressive scenery.

The Bangchuidao scenic area has a mild climate and is a perfect summer resort. The famous buntry road hotel, also known as the buntry road state guesthouse, is located on 87 hectares (about 215 acres) of land. As the only state-level hotel in Dalian, it is both the residence of leaders and the site of major conferences. Many prominent Chinese and foreign leaders, such as the beloved premier zhou enlai, the first premier of the People’s Republic of China, have lived here. The hotel has a standard golf course, a large tennis court, a swimming pool, a bowling alley and other modern recreational facilities, providing quality service to guests from all over the world.

In addition, there are seven villas in different styles nearby. Villas no. 1 and no. 7 are a combination of Chinese and western architectural styles. No. 2 and no. 6 are boat themed and visitors can enjoy the sea view from the balcony. It’s like standing on the deck of a ship. No. 3 is Japanese, no. 4 and no. 5 are traditional Chinese.

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