Questions & Answers about Guangzhou
9/17/2012 8:27:59 PMJessica replied:
Since the seventh century, Guangzhou has benn China's major port for foreign trade. Because of its proximity to Hong Kong and Macao, the Chinese government , since the 1957, has regularly held two tradefairs in Guangzhou, one in the springtime--April 15 to 30, and one in autumn, October 15 to 30. Each fair features about 50,000 categories of China's exported goods and attracts some 40,000 business persons from around the world. The firs have become a major channel for conducting trade and friendly exchanges bettewn China and other countries.
9/17/2012 7:44:51 PMCarina replied:
Guanhzou's deserts and refreshemnts are reputed for their exquisite workmanship, myriad varieties and fresh taste. Among the more typical are shrimp dmplings, steamed shaomai, hoof-shaped caks, taro cakes with honey, grilled buns with stuffed meat, and chicken with glutinous rice.
9/17/2012 8:28:17 PMIris replied:
Cantonees moon cakes are noted for their exquisite ingredients. The stuffing for the Lotus Cake, for example, use onlt the best Hunan lotus seed of the year. Another famous one, the Phoenix Shredded Chicken Cake, use only freshly brown-braised chicken, and the thin wrapping are made with fine flour.
9/17/2012 7:53:52 PMCarina replied:
Sun Yat-sen University , a top-ranking institution of higher learning, was founded by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in 1924.Originally known as Guangzhou Univercity, the name was changed in 1926 to commemorate the death of Dr. Sun. Today it is a mutil-disciplinary university encompassing social sciences, humanitues, management science, natral sciences and polytechnical sciences.
9/17/2012 8:28:26 PMCarina replied:
The white Cloud HIlls face the Pearl Delta Plains to the east, south and west. During hot days, the warm air from the plains rises uo but is soon bloked by the hills. It then cools and is condensed into clouds that linger around the peaks. Hence the name.
9/17/2012 8:28:43 PMAlex replied:
There are 34parks in Gungzhou. They are either general-purpose, special- interset or reginal, but without exception, they are all decorated with traditional Chinese pavilions, corridorswith eaves, and scrrens in perfect harmony with the natural surroundings.
9/17/2012 6:58:25 PMCarina replied:
Guangzhou is famous for being a city with flowers all the year round, even in the cold winters when northen China is frozen in the sonw and ice. This gives rise to the pratices of paiting , buying ,and admiring flowers among city dwellers. Hence the name.
9/17/2012 8:32:30 PMJessica replied:
Guangzhou is known for its fruits, which include longan, papaya, carambola, lychee, bananas, and sweet oranges.The latter four are known as the "top four fruits of Gunagzhou."
9/17/2012 8:34:47 PMSummer replied:
Because these flowers herald the arrival of spring. Kapok is the tallest arbor tree, known as "hero tree" in China, It blloms in the early spring before sprouting its leaves. Furthmore, its fowes are exceptionally brilliant.